Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vote Possible for Anti-Affirmative Action Bill Today

Representative Curtis Oda (R-Clearfield) is likely to bring up House Joint Resolution 24 today--the last day of the legislative session. HJR24 is a proposed constitutional amendment that would eliminate affirmative action in state bodies such as public schools and universities. Many community and student groups oppose this resolution because it would target any program or scholarship that relies on state funding to support ethnic groups, women and any underrepresented group.
University of Utah professor and community advocate Theresa Martinez said that she finds this "a very disturbing piece of legislation." Along with a coalition that opposes the bill, she thinks it would be harmful because it would affect public funding for specific ethnic groups, such as the Spanish language anti-tobacco campaign and the breast cancer awareness campaign directed at American Indians. If the bill passed it would also impact gender-specific programs that receive state money to operate, like the Womens Resource Center at the University of Utah. Dr. Martinez said that she would hate to see these incredible programs jeopardized.
There will be a student rally opposing the bill and recognizing student rights today at the Capitol from 3-5 p.m. At this time, students will unveil a Student Bill of Rights.

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